Shareef fights his way among the vikings, samurai, and knights to show that Ubisoft's melee combat action game has a surprising depth of diversity to it. Unfortunately, it's tucked away a bit.
#GamingLooksGood 15: Game of Thrones E4
Shareef returns to Telltale's take on Weteros and shows how the women of GoT are all singing "we run things / things don't run we". The male protagonists prove to be overly hesitant, especially random Black dude in the background who says nothing!,
#GamingLooksGood #2: Life Is Strange
Check out the second episode of #GamingLooksGood! I talk about DontNod Entertainment's Life Is Strange, which does an excellent job with lighting, emotion, and character display.
Shareef takes a look at Life Is Strange's approach to diversity in the art syle and character portrayals. Check out or #gaminglooksgood on Twitter for more.